Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies

Computers are so much a part of our daily lives that many of us take them for granted. You turn on your PC, connect to the Internet and check your stocks, your e-mail, or the weather report, write a note to Grandma, or relax for half an hour by shooting make-believe lasers at make-believe aliens. But if you ever wonder how do they make a computer do that? then you may be a candidate for Beginning Programming with Java(TM) For Dummies(R) .

If you're ready to take the plunge into programming, Java is a wonderful place to start.

You can write Java code for any operating system. A cool device called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) will translate your code so it can be understood by your Windows system, your neighbor's Mac, or your nerdy cousin's Unix box. Java is a good place to begin learning programming. And not only can programming be fun, it can also be a lucrative career.
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